Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sadie Suzanne - easy going kind of girl

Meet Sadie Suzanne. She's an easy going kind of girl. She likes things plain and simple, like her. Sadie Suzanne sees things a little differently than most dolls.

Maybe that's because her eyes are so unique.

They were crafted just for her at Coventry. No eyes like them anywhere else.

The folks at Coventry view things through a lens of love and I think it rubbed off on Sadie.

She tells me she was hand-stitched with a lot of love, helping the person doing the stitching work off some stress while trying to be creative.

Sadie Suzanne says when she is adopted all of the proceeds will go to Faceless International. That's a group of people with a lot of love.

So, if you are looking for a easy going kind of girl to love, Sadie Suzanne might be just the doll for you.

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