Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Orleans Two

Today went much better for the VBS crew today. They rebuilt their schedule and group plans, but then got kicked out of the community center. Even though they were written on the director's calendar she insisted they weren't suppose to be there and threw everyone out. They moved to the park across the street and continued there.

I really dislike Wal-Mart, but I find it fascinating that here in New Orleans you can grab a bottle of your favorite whiskey, vodka, rum, the checkout line! Right there next to the gum and tic-tacs sits gallon bottles of hard liquor.

Tonight a delightful couple came and spoke about their hurricane nightmare. One group is working on their home. It is freaky to hear them talk about all the miracles that took place all around them. They were are lifted from the SuperDome in a Black Hawk with 11 others just two days after arriving and after being told that it would be weeks before they got out.

The water rushed into their home to their waists in a matter of seconds. Their home sat three feet off the groud. Outside the water was 8 feet and they spent the night in the attic. The next day they were ferried to the interstate to trucks that drove them to another interstate and they began the trek to the Dome.

I still can't imagine an entire city that is in complete and total panic and has no idea what is happening where or how to get help!

Our headquarters for the week is Berean Church which is located next to the deserted New Orleans School District Administration Building. The NO School District has one school they are operating. All other schools that were once NO schools are now charter schools or part of the Recovery School District that is run by the state.

Once again I am exhausted.

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