Sunday, May 30, 2010

But I didn't sign up for that!

So, for those that don't know, I'm in Colorado with the 2010 Seniors of LCA. They asked me to come with them. I think it's so they can make fun of me when I'm shivering to death on the side of a mountain above 10,000 feet. Maybe they just hate me. I'm not sure yet.

Tonight we found out that we have to be on the road by 6:50 AM. We were on the road this morning at 6:30 AM! I think they might just hate me.

AND we found out tonight some of the rapids we're doing tomorrow will be Level 5 with the water at 34F. Yeah, they must hate me.

Oh, we will be on the river for 6 HOURS! SIX HOURS! In 34F water. It is definite. They hate me.

The other female sponsor and I looked at each other and said we were sure we did NOT sign a waiver that said anything about Level 5 rapids and 6 hours of ice cold melted snow.

Even the guy sponsors were looking a little green around the gills. In fact, I'm pretty sure Chrasta's eyes just about popped out of his head a couple of times.

So, think about me tomorrow as I'm freezing and bouncing and holding on for dear life.

And then think about me while I'm up on a mountain at timberline freezing in my little tent due to the fact that a bunch of punk kids hate me.

Supposedly I will get to come back down the mountain to warmer weather Wednesday evening if that bunch of punk kids who hate me will shove my aching body into the van.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow - you do realize that people have attained sainthood after trips like this one!