Wednesday, January 6, 2010

15 in 14 for 8

Today I was glancing through USA Weekend. Yeah, I know, it's Wednesday. Anyway, the headline about the Mayo Clinic diet book caught my eye. Apparently, if you follow the plan you will lose 8 pounds in the first two weeks.

What you need to do in the two weeks is:

1. Add five healthy habits.
2. Break five unhealthy habits.
3. Adopt five bonus habits.

I'm not great at math. I'm not even good at math, but I'm pretty sure that comes to 15 things I would need to remember to lose 8 pounds. Wow! I have trouble remembering one thing, like don't eat fat stuff that tastes wonderful. I'm pretty sure I would have a lot of trouble keeping up with 15 things in 14 days.

It's all good stuff. It just made me laugh.

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