Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Help Children Affected by Typhoon in Philippines

It's hard to read about the horrors the typhoon has churned up in the Philippines.

It's very frustrating to know there are evil people that will try to take advantage of the crisis to make money and hurt already hurting people.

Here is a safe donation choice.

Compassion had people in the Philippines long before the massive storm hit. They've been helping struggling families and children for a long time and will continue.

Check here for how you can give to help people in the Philippines.

Your gift makes possible interventions such as:
  • emergency food and water, temporary shelters, personal items, cooking utensils, trauma counseling and spiritual support
  • replacing clothing, school supplies and household items
  • restoring supplies a family needs for earning income
  • providing continued counseling and support as needed 
Thank you so much for giving and praying.

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