Tuesday, May 12, 2009


1 Shirt + 2 Bears = 3 lives changed

The Movement:

Bear Hug is about getting involved in service. Each shirt comes with two stuffed bears. You get involved by taking your bear to someone who is hurting. That someone can be in a children’s hospital, homeless shelter, orphanage…wherever you see a need. When you share the bear you share yourself as you listen and bring encouragement. Each bear comes with a tag where you can write a note that will serve as a reminder of your care. The other bear will be delivered by Two-Five to an organization that meets the needs of hurting people.

When you wear your shirt you become a voice. You can share the stories of the people that you have encountered and how others can be involved. “Bear Hug” will give you a new perspective. Our goal is for this generation to become less focused on self and more focused on the needs around us.

Get Involved Now:

Go online to www.25cloth.com and purchase a Bear Hug Shirt. Discount orders for groups can be made by email at Brittney@25cloth.com or by calling 469-282-2525.

-Wear the shirt every Wednesday during May, June, July and August

-Give people “bear hugs”. Talk about the movement and how to be involved.

-Give away your bear. If possible, don’t let it be a one time event. Be a consistent presence in that person’s life.

-Share your “bear hug” story with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

-Share your “bear hug” story with Two-Five. You can send “bear hug” pictures and stories to 25’s Myspace, Facebook, and Community page on the website.

-Make a “bear hug” commercial and post it on YouTube. We need your help to spread the word!

This is about more than just a bear. This is about spreading love, joy, and hope to people in need. Children who are in the middle of a long battle with illness, teenagers who have been abandoned and feel they have no place to turn, parents who have lost everything and wish they could provide something to bring a smile to their child’s face…these stories and more like it represent our mission.

We can choose to ignore it or we can choose to get involved. “Bear Hug” seeks to unite people who are in need with people who can help. Use the bear as bridge to be involved in a hurting person’s life.

Will You… 

Choose to see the need?

Choose to become involved?

Choose to listen?

Choose to be a voice?

Choose to change a life?

Be Two-Five?

Give A Bear Hug!

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